The proposal for review of the eIDAS Regulation published in June 2021 has opened strong expectations for a deep change in traditional identity models. The user-centric identity model proposed takes as point of departure the creation of European Digital Identity Wallets that will enable citizens’ control over their data in identification and authentication processes without been controlled by part of the entities providing the identification services.
Likewise, with the proposed legal rules for giving legal certainty to electronic ledgers and blockchains, eIDAS 2.0 opens possibilities to decentralization, in particular, for the provision and management of user’s attributes. Simultaneously the implementation of qualified trust services for attestations or electronic ledgers limits decentralization by requirement of a trusted 3rd party.
In any case, the success of eIDAS 2.0 relies on the development of common solutions. Standardization will be key in assuring interoperability at the EU level.
What are the challenges and opportunities of eIDAS 2.0? And what are the main focuses and needs of (european) standardization? These and other questions will be analyzed and discussed during our eIDAS panel.
As keynote speakers you can look forward to Steffen Schwalm and Dr. Ignacio Alamillo-Domingo.
Mr. Steffen Schwalm has been involved in national and international standardization for many years, including ISO Tc 307, Tc 46 Sc 11, ETSI Tc ESI, CEN-CLC JTC 19 and Tc 468 or DIN.
Dr. Alamillo-Domingo is Chief Trust Officer at Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem, legal expert and involved in standardization activities at ISO/TC307, CEN-CLC/JTC19, and ETSI Tc ESI
Outline topics:
- SSI Principles vs. eIDAS 2.0.
- Chances & limits of decentralization in eIDAS 2.0
- Needs & focus of (European) standardization acc. to eIDAS 2.0
We are looking forward to welcoming you!