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Orchestrating cloud applications - fast management and secure deployment

Maximise your cloud transformation with msg.KaaS

Is your company in the middle of a cloud transformation and you want to offer your IT applications to your customers as software as a service in the cloud? 

With the right cloud managed services, you can realise the full potential of your company. Discover the benefits of state-of-the-art technology - Kubernetes.

Use Kubernetes to realise the full potential of your infrastructure

Kubernetes stands for maximum efficiency: as an integral part of your company's IT, this open source platform offers automated and intelligent container orchestration. This allows you to flexibly scale your cloud services and ensure that your resources are always optimally utilised.

Do you want to make sure that everything runs smoothly when selecting, deploying and managing your Kubernetes landscape and container services? Then rely on professional support here too. Use Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) and place your infrastructure in the experienced hands of our experts.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Bernhard Allwang Portrait

Bernhard Allwang

Managing Director msg services gmbh

msg.KaaS - the complete solution for your cloud services

Our msg.KaaS managed service takes the pressure off you: you benefit from the advantages of modern technology without having to worry about administrative tasks and operational challenges. From regulatory requirements in terms of documentation and security to ISO-compliant operation - everything is taken care of with msg.KaaS.

  • Pipeline management
  • Application deployment
  • Cloud resource management
  • Compliance management
  • Infrastructure backup
  • Platform Monitoring
  • Platform Security
  • IT Service Management

msg.kaaS platform

This is what msg.KaaS offers you:

  • A zone-redundant and self-healing architecture makes the overall system particularly stable and fail-safe.
  • Comprehensive service backups ensure that your data and applications are protected.

  • msg provides you with the environment and maintains it for you.
  • Comprehensible and standardised processes ensure smooth onboarding, staging and application provisioning.

  • Thanks to Kubernetes container technology, your cloud infrastructure is highly available and autoscalable.
  • Pay-per-use helps you avoid unnecessary operating costs.
  • Azure enables access to numerous services and interfaces to third-party services

  • You receive a comprehensive operating and service package as well as optional additional services.
  • msg is your central point of contact for all questions.
  • You receive reliable 1st/2nd level support for all managed services.

  • In addition to very high security standards, we offer you a central point of contact for all security incidents.
  • Cross-platform monitoring ensures immediate alerts in the event of incidents and rapid restoration of normal operations.

  • We rely on established standards and procedures as well as transparent and comprehensible processes.

Customised flexibility for your Kubernetes environment

Our standard service level for Kubernetes as a Service provides a reliable foundation for your operational requirements. We know that every business is unique, so you can customise this service by adding or removing additional options as required. Flexibility for your specific requirements.

Servicelevel msg.KaaS: Standard

Servicelevel msg KaaS

Pricemodel - Pay-​as-you-use

KaaS Platform Managed Services

Why you should run your cloud solutions with msg

Experience in IT operations – Our core business

IT operations is msg digital services' core business. You benefit from long-time experience

Certified experts and cloud partners

We offer you certified employees and are partners of Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services

Your experts, always available

With our workforce and expertise, we are there when you need us

Tailored solutions through forward-thinking consulting

We advise you in advance and provide the solution according to your requirements

24/7 support with flexible SLAs

Our service team is always available with flexible service level agreements

Extracts from our projects

msg publications

The Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family (SenBJF) is handling the organization and implementation of the German Motor Skills Test (DMT) digitally throughout and therefore quickly, efficiently, transparently and securely in a web application and a mobile app.

Success Story emagine Group

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

msg publications

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

Success Story Worldhotels

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

msg publications

The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) is implementing an efficient and transparent digital project and portfolio management system based on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019.

msg publications

The Goethe-Institut has changed its IT service provider and moved its entire technical equipment to the high-security data centers of msg.

Success Story Lette Verein

The Lette Verein handles apprenticeship application processes transparently and in compliance with GDPR using digital workflows in a low-code app based on Microsoft Power Platform.

msg publications

In close cooperation with msg services, A.T.U realized a forward-looking migration of the migration of the Microsoft infrastructure and optimization of IT service management.

Start the future of your IT infrastructure now.

We are happy to support you on your way!