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A more agile world requires an agile approach - even in tried-and-tested ways of thinking.

Karsten Redenius



Karsten Redenius

has been a member of the msg Management Board since 2019 and is responsible for msg's Life Science & Chemicals, Food, Travel & Transport, Consumer Products, Telecommunications and Utilities sectors. In his role as msg Group Management Board member, he is also responsible for Business Consulting and msg digital, where he drives the expansion of msg's consulting business and digital services across all industries. Redenius is also responsible for the msg Research unit, which works on innovative future technologies.

Karsten Redenius began his career as an officer in the German Armed Forces, where he studied business administration. He then gained experience in various positions in consulting and in the management of large organizational units in the corporate environment. This has resulted in 20 years of expertise in strategy development as well as in the conception, planning and implementation of large transformation projects such as cloud and digital business models. Since 2012, he has been Managing Director of the msg company m3 management consulting GmbH, which he previously helped to set up as a partner.

Areas of responsibility

  • Life Sciences & Chemicals sector
  • Food sector
  • Travel & Logistics sector
  • Sector Consumer Products
  • Sector Telecommunications
  • Utilities industry
  • msg digital
  • msg research
  • msg advisors


podcast radikal digital

Das Umfeld, in dem Strategien entstehen und sich bewähren müssen, verändert sich dramatisch. Der sprichwörtliche „Fünfjahresplan“, mit festen Zielen und Inhalten stößt an Grenzen. Dafür gibt es vielfältige Gründe – Ungewissheit über künftige Rahmenbedingungen und abnehmende Planungshorizonte, verkettete Großereignisse und Krisen sowie die zunehmende Dynamik und Komplexität von Märkten. Wie können Strategien vor diesem Hintergrund Bestand haben, wie viel Flexibilität und Resilienz benötigen sie und welche Rolle spielt dabei Technologie? Diesen Fragen geht msg-​Vorstand Karsten Redenius gemeinsam mit Dr. Stephan Melzer in der zwölften Folge unseres Podcasts „radikal digital“ nach.