creating value for
Retail Business

Flexibly reacting to the challenges in commerce

We assist chain stores and online retailers with strategic IT consulting through to the implementation of intelligent software systems. The various – sometimes contradictory – challenges in retail require an exceptionally high degree of flexibility:

  • Customers increasingly value personalized services while simultaneously demanding sustainable action.
  • For years, chain stores have been exposed to the pressure of online trade; online retailers, in turn, are confronted with capacity limits of logistics service providers.
  • Legal and social conditions are changing continuously. A current example for this is the Supply Chain Act.
  • The Corona pandemic has highlighted the responsibility of retailers as part of the critical infrastructure for the  security of supply for the population.

One key to meeting these and other challenges is digitalization. Increasing networking is enabling new and also cross-industry business models. IT has gradually developed from an enabler to a key success factor and driver.


Do you have any questions?

Efstathios Fotiadis

Senior Sales Manager

+49 (0) 2233 9721-6270

Our Products


Let our LieSA tool assist you to comply with the Supply Chain Act and contribute to improving the human rights situation along global supply chains.


Ramp up the customer experience in your store with the smart easyFinder app. If customers find what they want to buy quickly, they also like to come back.



Ein Softwaresystem automatisiert die bedarfsgerechte Warenversorgung und steuert die termingerechte Bestellung unter Einbezug lokaler Spezifika.

msg publications

Das europaweite Filialnetz ist dynamisch: Neue Standorte eröffnen, andere schließen, und Öffnungszeiten ändern sich kurzfristig. Die bisherige Lösung war nicht flexibel genug. Eine neue individuelle Lösung ermöglicht Echtzeitaktualisierungen der Filialdaten und Landing-​Pages über eine API. Diese Daten werden automatisch an Kartendienstleister weitergeleitet und berücksichtigen regionale Sprachunterschiede.


The existing rich-client application for employee roster is inefficient and difficult to use. A web interface is designed to accelerate the roster and to increase usability.


Access authorizations to stores for employees are maintained manually by administration staff. A web application is designed to automate this process.


Considering the 6-digit number of product variants, the automated filling of the online shop enormously reduces the workload.


Store employees have to learn new PLU codes on a regular basis. The PLU codes are to be standardized throughout Germany. A learning app will support this from a smartphone or tablet in the future.


The return delivery process should be made more convenient for customers. In turn, the effort involved with returns should be reduced for the retailer.


The retailer's previous, manual sales planning per store is to be precalculated by a forecasting engine.

Do you have any questions?

Then we are looking forward to hearing from you.