Successful and secure integration of ESG data management requires a holistic approach that encompasses the collection, processing and integration of ESG data, optimizes internal processes and meets regulatory requirements. Solid ESG data is essential for leasing companies in particular, as environmental and political risks can have a direct impact on the value of leased assets.
msg in the media
What measures have already been implemented and where is there still a need for action? In an interview with Energie & Management, Thomas Soens talks about cyber security in critical infrastructures.
msg news
msg advisors is combining its expertise in the IT security environment in the expert unit "msg security advisors" with immediate effect.
msg viewpoints
Vor dem Hintergrund des Ukraine-Krieges blicken viele IT-Experten mit Sorge auf nationale KRITIS. Bislang sind systemrelevante Cyberattacken in Deutschland ausgeblieben. Doch Security Awareness allein wird vermutlich zukünftig nicht reichen.