Social workplace management with msg.Check-In app
msg.Check-In is an office space management solution with a high-performance social component that supports a hybrid work model. The functions include booking workplaces, alone or as a team, creation and maintenance of communities and managing workplaces and parking places
Sustainability as a Service
msg.GREENfactory is a digital platform for value-added services on the topic of sustainability.
IoT SaaS solution for recording, analyzing and scoring driver behavior
msg.IoTA enables the control, modeling and analysis of data from any IoT source to inspire customers with personalized products.
Rethinking Insurance
msg.UAP, an open and complete management system for smaller insurance portfolios.
User Insights for Optimal Customer Experience
Global testing with end users on all devices – results available any time!
AI-based tool for skill analysis
Effective skills management: AI-powered with msg.ProfileMap. With machine learning and natural language processing, ProfileMap significantly simplifies the maintenance of skill profiles and the search for suitable employees or projects.
Load and Performance Testing Service
Managed service for highly scalable performance tests. Integrated solution for load generation and analysis of real user scenarios. Checks cloud architectures for load balancing, scalability, elasticity, cost transparency, altering, among other things.
Certified calculation in latest cloud technology
MARZIPAN has been used as a preliminary calculation system by banks, savings banks and financial service providers for almost 40 years. It is used to calculate interest-bearing customer business. Since the beginning of June 2021, the established and widely used calculation software is now also available in the AWS cloud.