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How the megatrend is moving the world

Artificial intelligence (AI) will fundamentally change the world. We need to categorise this technological revolution and highlight its benefits. However, it is also important to allay fears and enable responsible behaviour.

As one of Germany's largest IT companies, one of our tasks is to understand how we want to deal with technology in our society. We have our ear to the ground and our finger on the pulse of the times. Digital transformation is our expertise and our passion, which is why we are committed to the use of AI. This is the only way we can reap the clear benefits within a trusting framework

In diesem Beitrag werden wir uns eingehend mit der Frage beschäftigen, welche Rolle Technologien wie klassische Texterkennung, Text Mining und künstliche Intelligenz im Zusammenhang mit der Automatisierung des Firmenkreditprozesses spielen.

Im Bankwesen bietet künstliche Intelligenz große Chancen, muss jedoch stets im Einklang mit regulatorischen Anforderungen und Datenschutzvorgaben eingesetzt werden. Ein klarer rechtlicher Rahmen ist entscheidend, um Innovationen verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen, ohne die Sicherheit und Governance der Institute zu gefährden.

msg news

What conditions must organizations create in order to exploit the potential of GenAI solutions?

msg news

The pharmaceutical industry holds high expectations for the potential of AI technologies. However, companies are facing challenges due to stringent regulatory demands that hinder smooth implementation. In the interview, Dr. Hans Klöcker, manager at msg industry advisors, sheds light

Artificial intelligence

A comparison of classic algorithms and artificial intelligence for error detection in V2X data shows: The improved results of AI come at a high price.

Consider the scenario of a panel discussion or a question-and-answer session featuring a group of experts in the relevant field. While these participants possess significant knowledge, they may also exhibit a degree of bias due to their established perspectives. Introducing an artificial intelligence (AI) as one of the participants could provide a refreshing dynamic.

msg survey

To what extent is generative AI already being used in large German companies? What are the main use cases? msg conducted an online survey together with the market research institute INNOFACT - with exciting results.

public magazin

Georg Krause, Autor des Buches „Die Praxis des Digitalen Humanismus“ im Gespräch


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