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Maturity Level Assessment

Do you know your communications infrastructure?

Only if you really know the as-is situation of your current solution can you determine the actual need for change in your communications infrastructure and consider all relevant components in the target concept.

That's why we conduct a status and needs analysis to determine the maturity level of your communications infrastructure. This enables us to identify and initiate targeted measures to improve the existing infrastructure. To do this, we use the Gartner Maturity Model – specifically adapted by us – to determine the maturity level of the communications infrastructure.

Using a comprehensive list of questions, we determine all relevant points that are useful for a classification. We present the results of this analysis phase to you in a workshop, use them to define your goals together with you and design the core strategy for achieving these goals.

Do you have any questions?

Goeschl, Alexander

Alexander Goeschl

Head of Sales & Consulting

Together with you, we work on answering the following questions:

  • What strategic goals should you pursue with your communications infrastructure?
  • Which optimization measures are to be implemented?
  • Where can quick wins be achieved?
  • How, when and with which resources can a project be started?

Your satisfaction is important to us

Exact documentation of the status of the communications infrastructure or its sub-areas

Measures for the optimization of the communications infrastructure or its sub-areas

Identification of quick wins

Possibilities for deriving a new communications infrastructure strategy

Would you like to learn more about maturity level assessment?


msg communications GmbH
Robert-Buerkle-Strasse 1
85737 Ismaning

+49 89 96101-0
+49 89 96101-3990

The msg group

msg communications GmbH is an independent international group of companies with autonomous regional companies and subsidiaries and over 10,000 employees.

The msg group is active in over 34 countries in the banking, insurance, automotive, food, life science & chemicals, public sector, telecommunications, travel & logistics and utilities sectors. msg also develops integrated software solutions and advises its clients in all aspects of information technology.