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SAP Business Data Cloud

The digital world is becoming increasingly complex, and businesses face the challenge of efficiently managing and leveraging vast amounts of data from various sources. With the launch of SAP Business Data Cloud, SAP sets a milestone in data integration, offering an innovative platform that helps companies make data-driven decisions in real-time.

msg news

With best practices and S/4HANA expertise, msg is driving the transformation of reinsurance processes.

msg news

Unsere Expertinnen und Experten Annemarie von Weihe, Dr. Lothar Essig, Daniel Zittlau und Christian Fentsch geben in ihrem Gastbeitrag in der Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen einen tiefen Einblick in die grüne Transformation der Versicherungswirtschaft. Sie beleuchten die drängenden Herausforderungen und strategischen Ansätze, die Unternehmen benötigen, um die ESG-Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Entdecken Sie, wie Datenmanagement ein Schlüssel zur nachhaltigen Zukunft der Branche wird. 

msg news

msg is now part of the Independent Software Vendor Accelerate Program of AWS. Customers benefit from the co-selling initiative of msg and AWS on several levels.


Defense & Aerospace

msg is expanding its portfolio in the public sector and is increasingly focusing on defence & aerospace. With innovative solutions, the company is strengthening the defence and aerospace sectors and making an important contribution to society.

msg press

Setting the strategic course for growth, innovation and customer-oriented solutions

msg press

msg and the municipality of Ismaning have jointly initiated a real-world laboratory focused on smart city innovations aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change. The initial phase of this project involves the creation of a comprehensive heat map designed to alert especially at-risk populations, including the elderly, individuals with pre-existing health conditions, infants, and young children, about the health hazards associated with extreme temperature fluctuations.

msg press

Strategic investment for more AI made in Germany.

msg viewpoints

msg viewpoints

The rapid development of generative AI and large language models has ushered in a new era that is sweeping through our world. But to what degree has this revolution already impacted the corporate landscape in Germany? In this Viewpoint interview, Mark-W. Schmidt, Head of AI at msg, sheds light on the impact of GenAI on the economy and provides insights into the current msg study on the use of GenAI

msg viewpoint

A modern state needs a digital administration. The state's ability to act and control its data must be guaranteed at all times – even in crisis situations. The current government's coalition agreement clearly emphasizes digital sovereignty as a key objective of state intervention. As most IT systems today are based on cloud technologies, it is crucial for the public administration that these systems are sovereign. Werner Achtert, business area lead Public Sector at msg, explains what a suitable framework for the public sector's cloud transformation could look like in this viewpoint interview.

msg viewpoints

AI is transforming our lives, enhancing our quality of life, but also posing risks. This will be discussed by msg board member Dr. Frank Schlottmann and Aleph Alpha CEO Jonas Andrulis in a standpoint interview.

msg viewpoints

Today, ESG is far more than just complying with requirements. Its implementation has long been of strategic relevance. Those who ignore this, risk economic decline. Can the cloud be a key lever here? Or does the path to a sustainable company inevitably lead into the cloud? Dr. Lothar Essig and Michael Wilk address these and other questions in this viewpoint interview.

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Press Contact

Maximilian Niermann

Unit Head Corporate Communications & Content Marketing