Im Bankwesen bietet künstliche Intelligenz große Chancen, muss jedoch stets im Einklang mit regulatorischen Anforderungen und Datenschutzvorgaben eingesetzt werden. Ein klarer rechtlicher Rahmen ist entscheidend, um Innovationen verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen, ohne die Sicherheit und Governance der Institute zu gefährden.
msg news
msg is now part of the Independent Software Vendor Accelerate Program of AWS. Customers benefit from the co-selling initiative of msg and AWS on several levels.
msg news
msg consolidates its previous three business units in the automotive industry in Germany into the legal unit “msg for automotive gmbh”, a wholly owned subsidiary of msg systems.
msg News
m3 management consulting GmbH expands its presence on the Swiss through the appointment of Oliver Breig as new managing partner. The 55-year-old business IT specialist took up his new position on August 1, 2024. He specializes in decarbonization, energy transition, digital transformation, the development and implementation of new business models as well as strategy, organizational and process consulting.
msg news
msg and Keysight, a well-known provider of innovative software solutions for test automation, are now partners.
msg news
A remarkable rise: msg has climbed to fourth place in the current Lünendonk ranking of "Leading IT Consulting and System Integration Companies in Germany" for the first time — an improvement of one place compared to the previous year.
Data-based ecosystems
msg also supports the association as an active member of various committees and expert groups that shape the further development of Catena-X.
Aufsichtsrecht, Meldewesen
In unserem Newsletter „Aufsichtsrecht & Meldewesen“ haben wir für Sie aktuelle Veröffentlichungen verschiedener Aufsichtsinstanzen (EBA, EZB, BCBS, Bundesbank, BaFin, etc.) auf internationaler, europäischer und nationaler Ebene zusammengefasst und deren Auswirkungen bewertet.