SAP Testing
Test & Quality Management
Use the whole potential of your SAP-applications!
As an SAP Gold Partner, we offer individual test solutions for your projects in R/3 and S/4HANA environments and ensure that SAP applications run successfully. Whether new implementation, migration or expansion - due to the combination of msg and SAP expertise, you can attain full performance of your SAP systems budget-friendly and efficiently.
Approach us, we are happy to give you advice!
Do you have questions?

Matthias Weidner
Head of Department Test & Quality Management
Your way to a successful SAP test project
In only four steps we create future-proof strategies, efficient processes and a sustainable lowering of risks at your SAP test projects – together with you:
Analysis: Your systems, processes and requirements are in our focus: You will receive a recommended course of action individually tailored to your needs based on the SAP procedure model SAP Activate.
Planning: On the pole-position: We create your individual test concept and the test plan agreed upon with your specialist teams.
Setup: Clearing the road for your SAP tests: In close cooperation with your specialist team, we create test cases and support you in the provision of test data. Touch-and-go with your own manual and automated test cases and your regression test suite.
Test and Reporting: Final spurt: We handle test management, test execution and documentation as well as error management. You can rely on an optimal and efficient test run.

Our solutions for your SAP test project
- Creation of an SAP test data concept and plan within the framework of the test concept
- Ensuring that all required SAP test data is available on the test systems at the beginning of the test
- Creating or copying of master and variable data as well as reusable SAP test data if possible
- Tool-supported creation of synthetic test data
- Anonymizing test data
- Application of GDPR-compliant personal and in-house test data
- Optimizing business processes
- Development of tailored test cases
- Verification of business processes with end-to-end tests on all required systems
- Planning, controlling and monitoring based on defined quality gates
- Consistently assess business process risks
- Intelligently tailor test cases, avoid unnecessary tests
- Prioritise tests on all test levels based on risk
- Intensively test new functions already at development phase
- Run process-oriented end-to-end tests
- Continuously automate recurring tests
- Use established methods and tools such as SAP Activate, SAP Solution Manager, SAP Focused Build for test case creation, execution and test management
- Ensuring that employees only see those functions they must work on
- Protect functions and data from unauthorised and non-role access
- support at selecting the required roles
- creation of role specific test cases
- execution of role-specific test cases on the required end devices
Standard tools: for diverse requirements
With these and other well-proven tools our SAP test experts make the most of your SAP applications: You will attain faster delivery cycles with significantly lower risks.

Extraordinary quality and efficiency for your SAP test projects
Save up to 80 % on storage space and administration costs with reusable test data
Test up to 75 % faster with higher test frequencies, data selection and automation
Save up to 15 % on project costs with our msg test roadmap
Shorten the test phase by up to 10 % through optimal test preparation
Reduce your test execution costs by up to 80 % with optimal test execution, -management and -automation
Valuable insights
As SAP gold partner with long-standing experience and specific know-how in the area of SAP testing, we ensure a high quality that makes our work stand out. Learn how we unleash the full potential of your SAP application.