msg digital services
New possibilities in digitization
At msg services gmbh, we give customers a brand promise: Digital services from a single source. Discover entry-level opportunities in consulting and software operations!
msg services gmbh is an IT service and IT consulting company and employs over 370 people at a total of ten locations in Germany. We have chosen the name msg digital services for our brand identity because we take the initiative for the new possibilities of digitalization with our customers.
As a full-service provider, we are an expert solution provider for our customers in areas such as the digital workplace, Microsoft, SAP, communication, security and cloud infrastructures. In contrast to other msg units, we are the industry-independent IT experts. We develop IT solutions, offer individual IT architecture consulting and managed services. We are the platform provider for msg and are developing into the central partner at msg for all digital service offerings. This allows our customers to receive their IT services from a single source. From strategy, consulting and implementation to operation and service.
We are looking for people who enjoy consulting, implementing and operating new technologies, especially those of the major international technology leaders, and who fit in with our open and appreciative corporate culture. Respectful cooperation and genuine team spirit are very important to us.
We offer many exciting challenges from a wide range of industries. Above all, however, you can contribute and implement your own ideas with us. True to the msg guiding principle: value - inspired by people.
msg digital services - that's us!

What is special about your role at msg digital services?
My job at msg services gmbh is to advise and support customers in order to create the best possible solution for the customer's environment.
Through direct contact with customers and the various projects, I was able to develop both professionally and personally in a short space of time. I didn't have this direct contact with customers at my previous employer. At msg services, I have been able to master major challenges in projects very well with the support of colleagues and new experiences.
What did you do before your time at msg & how did you come to msg?
After successfully completing my vocational training as an IT specialist for system integration, I decided to complete my vocational baccalaureate in economics in two years while working. My subsequent plan was to start a degree course. Before the application process actually started, msg services gmbh contacted me via an internal msg recruiter. Thanks to an immediately familiar relationship during the phone call and the job interview and the opportunity to start a distance learning course at the same time, I accepted the challenge without thinking twice. I am glad I made this decision.
What was it like for you to complete a distance learning course alongside your work as an IT Consultant?
The freedom I had as an IT Consultant to organize myself for the most part meant that I was able to manage my studies well at the same time. The distance learning course at the Euro-FH also gave me the opportunity to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree while working in a completely flexible way. I was often able to recognize connections through parallels between my job and my studies and was able to use them positively in projects with customers as well as in exams. This helped to motivate me every day for my distance learning course.

Bettina, what is your current main task?
Today, I work closely with the project and group managers on various projects at one of our clients, providing PMO services such as moderating workshops and meetings, preparing and following up on project deadlines, documenting decisions and resolutions and optimizing team communication and scheduling. In this position, it remains exciting to see what the next task will be.
How did your professional journey at msg begin and how have your tasks changed over time?
I brought professional experience from various IT companies and different positions, as well as my own grown personality, with me when I started in 2012 as a “Specialist” in the Consulting division at msg services gmbh. I was initially responsible for administrative tasks relating to the billing process and customer and project support for certain areas of the company.
Over time, the tasks and additional topics became more complex and processes had to be thought through and redesigned. Quality assurance for offers and tenders, support for divisional management in cost planning and financial control and monitoring were also added.
As part of a long-term major customer project, it became clear time and again how important close contact with customers and partners is in this position.
And what about further training opportunities?
There are always opportunities ... For example, our internal training department regularly offers workshops to prepare for the Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA® Level D) exam.
Motivated, supported and also challenged by the collegial environment at msg services, I passed the exam in 2018.

What is your main task, Patrick?
I've been back at msg services since January 1, 2020 and have taken on the role of Head of Network Solutions. From 01.01.2021, I will also be responsible for the Security Solutions department. My tasks include the development and expansion of all classic elements in the LAN, WLAN, WAN and IT security environment. I am also responsible for the ongoing personnel development of our employees - by the way: we are always looking for reinforcements and welcome applications - and I take care of the strategic and technological orientation of future topics. At the moment, I'm mainly working on developing a managed services portfolio for our customers.
So you are a returnee and have already joined msg for the second time. How did msg convince you again?
In my almost four years away from msg, I particularly missed the very familiar environment. Many colleagues had become friends and many of them are actually still at msg (albeit now in other areas or functions). The fluctuation is very low and the number of people returning is very high. This certainly speaks in favor of msg, as at least I have not found a comparable working environment at any other employer.
In addition to my colleagues, I also appreciate the many exciting challenges and the opportunity to develop completely freely and to contribute and implement my own ideas.
How do you look back on your first years at msg today?
In total, I have spent almost 19 years in various units of the msg group. It all began in 1997, when I started my training at GILLARDON AG financial software (today: msg for banking ag). After my training, I was in charge of internal IT there for several years until the opportunity arose to join the network and security team when I was integrated into the msg group. In hindsight, that was a huge stroke of luck, as it defined my future professional direction.
The Network and Security team was responsible for the operation of the worldwide internal network with several hundred components. Due to the constant growth of msg, the network also became bigger and bigger, and I was fascinated by the complexity and diversity of the solutions. There was a new challenge to overcome every day.

What makes your work at msg services so special for you?
I have been a Senior IT Consultant at msg services gmbh since 2019. I like the fact that we can work on projects in different areas and new technologies through our partners and customers. I think that's important for our further training as employees.
At my previous employers, I always had to choose between consulting or development. At msg, I can do both: Supporting the customer in the decision-making and conception process and then implementing and rolling out the agreed solution. Thanks to our diverse portfolio, I was not only able to improve my existing skills, but also gain new ones.
How would you describe your work-life balance as a consultant at msg?
You always hear that consultants don't have much of a private life because they travel so much. That's not the case at msg services gmbh. We only travel to customers when necessary and the option to work from home was already available before corona.
As a consultant, I am free to organize my own working hours and tasks.

What fascinates you about your current job, Xiaobing?
My current activities include vulnerability management, log analysis activities in SIEM solutions and endpoint protection. In this position, it is exciting and challenging to discover and evaluate anomalies and vulnerabilities in the network on a daily basis and to minimize cyber risks if necessary.
How would you describe your start at msg? Did you have different tasks then than you do now?
When I started in the Security Solutions department at msg services gmbh in May 2019, I was able to contribute theoretical experience from various IT security topics in different research projects.
As a security analyst, I was initially responsible for Privilege Access Management (PAM) and dealt with the solution, evaluation and development of a Proof of Concept (PoC). I then acquired various certificates from the Vulnerability Management Tenable Academy.
What else do you particularly like about your work at msg?
There is always the opportunity to build up different skills with new security topics. I like the fact that managers at msg services gmbh always have an open ear for employees and that colleagues can always work together, regardless of their background or age.

Ilka, what is your main task?
I work as a controller in the Financial Services division and in this role I work with many people within msg services gmbh and the group of companies. Since our main tasks include the planning, management and control of all divisions of msg services gmbh and a lot of data from different sources comes together here, it is particularly important to work together in a trusting and respectful manner.
You have been with msg services gmbh for many years. What do you particularly like about these years?
In the many years I've been with the company, I've experienced this kind of interaction with both colleagues and our managers time and again and I really appreciate it - we work together in great teams at all levels!
Our communication channels are short and direct, which means that open issues can often be resolved quickly and unbureaucratically. For me, msg services gmbh is a fair and modern employer that I have enjoyed working for since 2004.
Our tools & technologies
SAP Basis
Topics that move us
The right infrastructure is the basis for companies to be able to provide reliable services. With our Platform Services, we combine state-of-the-art technologies with all the necessary security and compliance components to ensure smooth operation even in a highly regulated environment. For our customers, this means high availability and scalability of their infrastructure at all times.
Digital workplace solutions lead to greater efficiency, flexibility and productivity. Our solutions enable customers and their employees to access their most important applications and data from anywhere. Whether they are working in the office from home or on the move, our solutions ensure they are always up to date.
In the age of digitalization, there is no successful business without IT. Whether hardware, software or networks - professional IT management not only ensures that all systems run smoothly. Automated processes ensure greater efficiency, human-centered services help employees to become better and experienced provider and project management saves costs. Our customers rely on our experts to work with them to align their IT management with their digital strategy in a competitive and targeted manner.
The threat level posed by cyber attacks is higher than ever for organizations and companies today: attacks on IT infrastructure can not only cause considerable damage, but in the worst case can even lead to the insolvency of companies. But despite all the risks, flexible, mobile collaboration is a fundamental part of the modern working world. The challenge for our customers' IT security is therefore to protect themselves adequately with the right services without unnecessarily slowing down business processes.
This is us - Working at msg services gmbh
- 10 locations
- More than 370 employees
- 500 customers
- More than 90 employees with cloud experience
- Those who are able to balance their professional and private goals are happier and more motivated at work. We are happy to support you in this. Our working time model allows you to work flexibly and on the move on the basis of a flexitime model. This frees up time for family and leisure.
- Our time recording is based on trust.
- With us, you are entitled to 30 days of vacation per year. We also offer a range of special leave days for special circumstances.
- We are an official partner of “voiio”. “voiio” offers the possibility of virtual child and youth care such as virtual events, virtual learning support or virtual emergency care.
- Mobile working
- Flexible working hours
- Opportunities for a sabbatical
- Further education and training measures
- Company parties
- Corporate benefits
- Company car
- Job bike
- Modern work equipment
- Social benefits
- Company health management
Regular employee satisfaction surveys are very important to us and an integral part of our culture.
The results enable us to identify cultural strengths and areas for improvement in msg's corporate culture and also provide important points of reference for our msg cultural development program.
- In annual potential reviews, managers look at your performance and potential and work with you to develop targeted measures for your individual development.
- Continuous further training is a matter of course for us. Use our STEP | PROFI | FIT training program to further develop your methodological, professional and social skills.
- Respect - We treat all people equally. Our open corporate culture is characterized by respect and appreciation.
- Collegiality - We place particular value on team-oriented cooperation based on partnership.
- Communication - We live active and open communication at eye level - this is another reason why all our employees are on a first-name basis.
- Helpfulness - As part of our corporate culture, it is particularly important to us to support each other and work together.
- Team spirit - Joint activities as well as team and departmental outings ensure team spirit and a relaxed working atmosphere.
- Company events - Our kick-off is a highlight at the beginning of the year. But summer parties and Christmas celebrations also provide an opportunity to toast joint successes and exchange ideas with colleagues with whom you do not work directly.
1. Your application
You have found a suitable vacancy in our career portal and applied to us via the applicant portal or by e-mail. We will send you an e-mail confirming receipt of your documents.
2. The review
Once we have received your application, your documents will first be reviewed by our HR department. We will ask you to submit any missing documents. Your documents will then be checked by the relevant department.
3. The interview
After your application documents have been checked by the department, we may invite you to an interview. This usually takes place together with the specialist department and the HR department. We will get to know each other either virtually or at our location. We may meet for a second appointment to discuss further details.
4. The offer
After you have convinced us and we have convinced you in the interview, we will make you a contract offer. Details will be discussed between you and the department.
5. The recruitment
You have signed the offered employment contract. You are now part of the msg services gmbh team.
6. The “start day”
All new employees are invited to our “Start Day” on their first day. Here you will receive comprehensive information about msg services gmbh, get to know the most important processes, IT tools as well as colleagues and contact persons for your daily work. You will also receive your hardware. This will make it easier for you to join the company and you will be part of our team right from the start.