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msg viewpoints

The pharmaceutical industry must remain capable of acting in the event of cyber attacks. Stable business continuity management helps with this.

Climate Stress Testing

Climate risks: difficult to calculate, but important for risk management. How can you assess something for which there is insufficient data?

msg viewpoints

The rapid development of generative AI and large language models has ushered in a new era that is sweeping through our world. But to what degree has this revolution already impacted the corporate landscape in Germany? In this Viewpoint interview, Mark-W. Schmidt, Head of AI at msg, sheds light on the impact of GenAI on the economy and provides insights into the current msg study on the use of GenAI

msg viewpoint

A modern state needs a digital administration. The state's ability to act and control its data must be guaranteed at all times – even in crisis situations. The current government's coalition agreement clearly emphasizes digital sovereignty as a key objective of state intervention. As most IT systems today are based on cloud technologies, it is crucial for the public administration that these systems are sovereign. Werner Achtert, business area lead Public Sector at msg, explains what a suitable framework for the public sector's cloud transformation could look like in this viewpoint interview.

msg viewpoints

AI is transforming our lives, enhancing our quality of life, but also posing risks. This will be discussed by msg board member Dr. Frank Schlottmann and Aleph Alpha CEO Jonas Andrulis in a standpoint interview.

msg viewpoints

In our modern and increasingly digitalised world, interaction and communication are the key to efficient and customer-centric processes. In public administration, too, it has long been clear that approach and acceptance as well as dialogue and participation are closely linked.

msg viewpoints

Vor dem Hintergrund des Ukraine-Krieges blicken viele IT-Experten mit Sorge auf nationale KRITIS. Bislang sind systemrelevante Cyberattacken in Deutschland ausgeblieben. Doch Security Awareness allein wird vermutlich zukünftig nicht reichen. 

msg viewpoints

Today, ESG is far more than just complying with requirements. Its implementation has long been of strategic relevance. Those who ignore this, risk economic decline. Can the cloud be a key lever here? Or does the path to a sustainable company inevitably lead into the cloud? Dr. Lothar Essig and Michael Wilk address these and other questions in this viewpoint interview.