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msg_Gradient_farblos_1 (3)
Zutrittssteuerung in Filialen

Access control in stores


Large German retail chain with more than 1,500 stores.

The challenge

  • The access authorizations of employees and service providers are maintained manually for the stores by administrative staff.
  • A web application should automate this process.


  • Authorizations are automatically derived from employee master data (SAP).
  • The configurations are transferred directly to the alarm systems in the branches via the Internet.
  • A web application enables direct access.

Customer benefits

  • Central maintenance and management of a branch's access authorizations without media disruptions in the regional companies
  • Delay-free automated transfer of authorization settings to the security systems of the individual branches

msg's services

  • Requirements analysis and technical specification of the application in collaboration with the customer
  • Development of the web application including connection of the interface to the security system in an incremental approach with regular feedback loops with the customer.

Technologies & Tools

  • Java EE 7
  • Web application with JSF 2.0 and Primefaces

Facts & Figures

  • Implementation period: 6 months
  • Team: 4 people


Kretz, Peter Porträt

Peter Kretz

Sales & Marketing