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Test & Quality Management

Identity Access

msg digital services

Security and control for your digital identities

With our Identity & Access solutions, we ensure that the right people and systems have access to the right resources at the right time. We offer you best practices, guidelines and technologies for managing digital identities and access rights.

Our approach includes the identification, authentication, authorisation and management of user accounts to optimally protect your IT resources. In this way, we ensure that only authorised users or systems can access sensitive information and services. Rely on our solutions to combine security, compliance and user-friendliness in your IT environment.

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Your contact

Bernhard Allwang Portrait

Bernhard Allwang

Managing Director msg services gmbh

Why Identity & Access Management

Protect access to apps on-premise and in the cloud

Übersicht Identity und Access Management


Your added value

  • Increased security – monitoring significantly reduces the risk of data loss, misuse, or unauthorized access
  • Efficient administration of user accounts and access rights
  • Improved customer experience by single sign-on
  • Governance and compliance adherence
  • Scalability and flexibility for changes and adjustments to constantly changing accesses and resources
  • Cost optimization by automating IAM processes

Our expertise

  • Existing governance concepts for easy, individual adjustment
  • Complete onboarding of accesses and systems
  • Provision of standardized guidelines
  • Cross-industry know-how

Protecting data in Microsoft 365

Protecting data in Microsoft 365 is a joint effort between Microsoft and you (supported by your IT partners)


  • Protecting data in Microsoft 365 is a joint effort between Microsoft and you (supported by your IT partners)
  • Responsibility for data and rights management always lies with you
  • Microsoft provides tools and features for support
  • Classification (automatic / manual) increases the identification of data to be protected
  • Classifications can be rolled out across different Microsoft 365 services using policies
  • The admin portal provides dedicated roles and areas for security and compliance processing


Extracts from our projects

msg publications

The Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family (SenBJF) is handling the organization and implementation of the German Motor Skills Test (DMT) digitally throughout and therefore quickly, efficiently, transparently and securely in a web application and a mobile app.

Success Story emagine Group

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

msg publications

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

Success Story Worldhotels

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

msg publications

The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) is implementing an efficient and transparent digital project and portfolio management system based on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019.

msg publications

The Goethe-Institut has changed its IT service provider and moved its entire technical equipment to the high-security data centers of msg.

Success Story Lette Verein

The Lette Verein handles apprenticeship application processes transparently and in compliance with GDPR using digital workflows in a low-code app based on Microsoft Power Platform.

msg publications

In close cooperation with msg services, A.T.U realized a forward-looking migration of the migration of the Microsoft infrastructure and optimization of IT service management.

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