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Deutscher Bundestag

creating value for
Public Sector

msg in the public sector

We support the public sector in the digital transformation and offer tailored solutions “Made in Germany” – for federal ministries and federal administration, state ministries and state administrations and municipalities. We provide impetus for a sustainable state and create innovative solutions. With strategic foresight for the latest developments, our experts support you in your modernization projects.

Values such as commitment, respect and reliability play an important role in this: They shape not only our dealings with each other, but also our collaboration with our partners and customers. In combination with extensive expertise and solution-oriented work, we thus create the basis for excellent results together with you and make the public sector fit for the future. Do you want to take the next step in digital transformation? We are happy to accompany you.

We support you in

Sovereign cloud

Souveräne Cloud

The sovereign, national cloud is coming! A technically, legally and operationally sovereign cloud use needs a clear direction, planning and preparation. We shape the path together with you.

More about Sovereign Cloud

Networked administration

Registermodernisierung Public Sector

Registers are the backbone of a modern, networked administration. We support you in making an informed assessment, develop options for action and help you plan the next steps.

More about Networked administration

Publicly funded healthcare

Öffentlicher Gesundheitsdienst

With digitalization solutions, we help to make the ÖGD (Öffentlicher Gesundheitsdienst (publicly funded healthcare)) more efficient and face challenges such as data protection & data security.

More about Publicly funded healthcare

Data platforms

Datenplattformen Public Sector

Using open standards ensures future viability and interoperability. We have developed a data platform that meets these requirements while offering the highest security standards.

More about Data platforms

Smart City

Smart City Public Sector

Cities and communities are facing the challenges of the digital transformation. We see ourselves as pioneers and support municipal ecosystems on their way to becoming an intelligent municipality.

More about Smart City


SAP Public Sector

We support you in the implementation of regulatory and functional requirements in SAP solutions with strategy, consulting, development and implementation.

More about SAP