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Test Management XQT

Provider management

msg digital services

Strong IT partnerships for sustainable efficiency and cost reduction

Access the combination of strong partnerships, partner management, provision of licences and workloads as well as solutions for your cost management - all from a single source! Our approach enables you to effectively select and manage carriers and providers, improving compliance with service level agreements (SLAs). At the same time, you benefit from cost optimisation through the negotiation of favourable contracts and conditions. By continuously controlling and monitoring IT service providers, we minimise risks and ensure reliable service quality. We also promote improved collaboration and communication with your external service providers in order to efficiently support your business objectives.


Your contact

Bernhard Allwang Portrait

Bernhard Allwang

Managing Director msg services gmbh

Your added value

  • Effective selection and administration of carrier and provider.
  • Improved quality and compliance with service level agreements (SLAs).
  • Cost optimization by negotiating less expensive contracts and conditions.
  • Risk optimization by control and monitoring of IT service providers.
  • Improved collaboration and communication with external service providers.

Our expertise

  • Strong partnerships in the carrier market (Verizon, Telekom, Vodafone, 1&1, Telefonica…)
  • Strategic partnerships with all leading hyperscalers (Microsoft, AWS, Google) with dedicated partner management
  • Expert team to manage and provision your licenses and workload billing
  • Products and services for your cost optimization and administration (e.g., mobile contract management with cost optimization and employee reporting)

Extracts from our projects

msg publications

The Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family (SenBJF) is handling the organization and implementation of the German Motor Skills Test (DMT) digitally throughout and therefore quickly, efficiently, transparently and securely in a web application and a mobile app.

Success Story emagine Group

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

msg publications

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

Success Story Worldhotels

MV-WERFTEN is using a scanner feedback system (SRS) to digitalize and automate the processes involved in recording, managing and analysing cable laying data during the construction of the “Global Dream” cruise ship.

msg publications

The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) is implementing an efficient and transparent digital project and portfolio management system based on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019.

msg publications

The Goethe-Institut has changed its IT service provider and moved its entire technical equipment to the high-security data centers of msg.

Success Story Lette Verein

The Lette Verein handles apprenticeship application processes transparently and in compliance with GDPR using digital workflows in a low-code app based on Microsoft Power Platform.

msg publications

In close cooperation with msg services, A.T.U realized a forward-looking migration of the migration of the Microsoft infrastructure and optimization of IT service management.

Do you want to make your IT fit for the future?

We are happy to support you on your way!