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Scrap analysis in production with AI


  • High quality requirements for rolled steel tubes (constant tube thickness over entire length) in various dimensions and qualities
  • Experienced operators with many years of know-how will soon retire (knowledge drain)
  • Training new operators is lengthy and generates a lot of scrap at the beginning
  • Per order, 15 to 20 pipes are scrap until quality is satisfactory


  • Acquisition of all important production data
  • AI-based scrap analysis and optimization of all steel tubes produced
  • Simulation of all possible pipes and their best possible configuration using AI
  • Pre-configuration of all steel pipes produced in the future as support for operators


  • Higher quality of all seamless steel tubes even for tubes never produced before
  • Reduction of scrap by more than 80%
  • Faster training of new operators 
  • Reduction of maintenance costs through predictive maintenance
  • Integration of all production data into an overall concept for optimizing facility control
  • Simultaneous process control of several facilities with consistently high quality

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Christian Cronen

Senior IT Consultant

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