Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
Our contribution and principles to a sustainable supply chain
Our contribution to a sustainable supply chain that upholds human rights
Our principles
Risk management and risk analysis
- Risk management systems in terms of the Supply Chain Act, including central monitoring of the agreed principles for upholding human rights, among other things
- Regular meetings on legal (new) developments and process trainings for all relevant employees
- Regular risk analyses of the risks related to human rights and environment as specified in the Supply Chain act
Complaints procedure
msg has implemented an appropriate internal complaints procedure that enables people to whistleblow about, among other things, risks related to human rights and the environment as well as violations of obligations related to human rights and the environment that have arisen as a result of the economic activities of msg in its own business area or in one of our direct or indirect suppliers.
Preventive measures
- Code of Conduct
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Supplier process: Risk analysis of new suppliers before concluding the contract
- Regular review of the effectiveness of prevention measures
Corrective measures
- Take appropriate corrective measures in the event that human rights or environmental obligations are violated or a violation is imminent.
- Regular review of the effectiveness of corrective measures
msg Corporate Social Responsibility
The topic of sustainability has always played a central role at msg throughout the company’s 40-year history. Since 2020, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have also been firmly anchored in msg’s corporate strategy –Roadmap 2025.