Balzert Prize Awarded to Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall for Multimedia Didactics
For the concept of multimedia didactics, Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall, Head of msg Research, receives the Helmut and Heide Balzert Prize 2023 of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Informatics Society).
With the support of msg and the Software Engineering Academy, Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall has developed and implemented over the past few years a didactic concept for teaching the topics of software engineering and software architecture. The jury of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) selected this concept of “multimedia didactics” from all submissions and awarded the Helmut and Heide Balzert Prize 2023 to Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall.
“Multimedia didactics” combines illustrations, video streaming, virtual studios, animated overlays and interaction tools. During the lecture, interactive content can be displayed for the students, for example quiz questions or queries about the current mood. The lecturer has the opportunity to react directly to this feedback, to check the knowledge imparted and to actively involve the participants. Through the pursued online-first approach, the didactic concept fulfills all requirements for flexibility, mobility and inclusion of the current school and academic world. The concept is already being used both within the msg group and as part of a teaching assignment at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Photo: Founder Prof. Dr. Helmut Balzert (left) and award winner Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall (right) at the award ceremony in Berlin
About the prize:
Since 2022, the prize endowed by Helmut and Heide Balzert has been awarded for an outstanding contribution to the teaching of computer science content and computer science education/didactics. The prize is intended to promote the development and testing of innovative concepts for digital forms of teaching and learning.
For more information on multimedia didactics, please visit https://multimediale-didaktik.de/
Learn more about msg's knowledge transfer at https://www.msg.group/msg-wissen

Photo: Founder Prof. Dr. Helmut Balzert (left) and award winner Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall (right) at the award ceremony in Berlin