Agility in the automotive industry
Flexible rethinking: the key to successful agile implementation
Agile methods have gained significant popularity within the ever-evolving automotive
industry over the past few years. The goal is to adapt quickly to changes, foster innovation,
and operate with greater efficiency. The purpose of these methods is to assist organizations
in adapting to changes, introducing new ideas, and operating with greater efficiency.
Nevertheless, the implementation of agile approaches can be hindered by various
challenges, including complex systems, stringent regulations, cultural reluctance, legacy
systems, and supplier relationships. Overcoming these barriers requires a rethink,
adjustments and gradual implementation.
Key role of management: agile leadership and organizational structures
The introduction of agile tools is often the first step. Employees undergo training in agility and frameworks, while also exploring new approaches like DevOps. Nevertheless, this phase often feels like a band-aid on the previous system. A kind of parallel universe swiftly materializes, bringing with it the potential necessity of either desiring or being required to maintain the existing system in its entirety. The subsequent, considerably more demanding stage involves ingraining the concept of agility in the minds of the workforce, enabling management to adopt agile management methods like host leadership, and establishing a versatile organizational framework that fosters cross-functional cooperation. Numerous organizations encounter difficulties at this juncture while striving for agility.
Professional support for driving agile transitions
How can you overcome this prolonged and challenging phase? Stepping out of your comfort zone requires both time and courage, as well as the insight to learn from your mistakes. “Fail fast” is the magic word. There are no pre-made quick fixes available in blueprints or in the adoption of Spotify patterns when transitioning to an agile mindset. The unwavering determination and readiness to begin the transformation are essential – understanding that obstacles may also arise.
It is crucial to clearly define and illustrate responsibilities at every level right from the outset to prevent reverting to previous roles and thinking patterns the first time problems arise. Professional assistance from experts in agile, change, and organizational matters is essential to support the transition over an extended duration. Not by holding up a mirror, but by turning the mirror around and getting actively involved. Taking action based on practical experience is easier for all parties involved compared to applying theories.
Customer orientation and flexibility
As a contractor or client, one soon discovers that the existing contract may not consistently accommodate flexible working arrangements. It is crucial to keep in mind one of the four values stated here: “Prioritize collaboration with the customer over engaging in contract discussions”. It is important to involve the customer throughout the entire journey, starting from the initial idea, through the development process, all the way to the operation phase. This method places a strong emphasis on meeting the needs of customers and users, allowing for effective adaptation to changes.
Agile teams: challenges and solutions
The fallacy that each member of an agile team must possess the ability to perform all tasks continues to endure. However, it is essential for teams to possess the flexibility required to independently overcome obstacles and reach their objectives.. This means that an agile team must possess all the essential skills, although not every individual team member needs to possess them. As a rule, expertise in cloud platforms, for example, is not interchangeable. Specializations will thus persist within an agile team. Alternatively, it might be advisable to allocate experts and scrum masters among multiple agile teams. Adhering to the “Inspect & Adapt” principle on a regular basis can be beneficial. Once you have identified the correct course of action, you proceed accordingly.
DevOps entails a shift in culture and the adjustment of the working environment
Investing in employees continues to be crucial for maintaining competitiveness. An example of this is the statement on DevOps, which highlights that “DevOps involves a combination of various technical methods and a collaborative culture between software development and IT operations”. Adopting this attitude towards DevOps is the first step. The journey towards DevOps is still long as it necessitates each team member to broaden their scope of work, encompassing software development, testing, quality assurance, build management, and seamless operations. To effectively implement DevOps, employees must possess a strong level of motivation along with well-defined training paths that outline clear objectives. There is a common expectation among customers or clients to receive evidence or confirmation of certification in specific subject areas.
Some IT infrastructures and existing environments like DEV, INT, or PROD may not always be the same, making it challenging to leverage agility and DevOps right away. It doesn't help to hold agile rituals and iterate in two-week sprints if you don't deploy in short cycles. Some teams face an additional challenge when the increment is transferred to a different supplier or department for deployment, resulting in the team's responsibility being shifted outside of their boundaries. This makes it difficult to assess whether the increment is consistently error-free. One solution to this issue is to implement end-to-end accountability within the team and automate all artifacts, including the infrastructure, while managing them collectively in a repository.
Agility not only in software development
The automotive industry has already embraced agile software development as an essential component. But what about hardware or hardware tests in an agile setting? These are usually complex systems that cannot be decoupled from one another, requiring testing of the entire system as a whole. The test strategy and the key performance indicators (KPIs) that hold utmost significance are derived from the business objectives and customer requirements. The crucial aspect is not the quantity of testing, but rather ensuring that the correct elements are being tested, regardless of the KPIs selected.
Furthermore, it is imperative to dismantle current silos and barriers separating various departments, roles, and fields to foster a culture centered on collective accountability and experimentation. Everyone involved must recognize that they are in the same boat, heading towards a common goal.
The primary obstacle from a technical standpoint lies in automating numerous tests, particularly those that are repetitive, with the aim of eradicating human error. Nevertheless, automation is not a cure-all solution. Manual tests will still need to be performed, requiring human judgment and creativity. By engaging in feedback loops with customers, stakeholders, and teams, tests can be adjusted, redesigned, and enhanced to align with evolving demands.
Opportunities of agile transformation
The automotive sector is presently undergoing an exciting time marked by various challenges and opportunities. Progress and change are inevitable with every step taken, regardless of its magnitude. Over time, with bravery and a readiness to learn from errors, teams and organizations can effectively steer towards an agile future. The benefit will be the attainment of a work approach that is more adaptable, productive, and focused on customer needs.