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Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Our complaints procedure in accordance with supply chain act

Our complaints procedure for suspected human rights or environmental violations in the supply chain

msg has implemented an appropriate internal complaints procedure that enables people to whistleblow about, among other things, risks related to human rights and the environment as well as violations of obligations related to human rights and the environment that have arisen as a result of the economic activities of msg in its own business area or in one of our direct or indirect suppliers.


The complaints procedure is a core element of the corporate due diligence obligations arising from the Supply Chain Act. Through the complaints procedure, msg can be made aware of human rights or environmental risks or violations in its own business or supply chain. The purpose of these notices is to identify risks to people or the environment at an early stage and to prevent actual damage.

Complaints channel

For the complaints procedure, msg operates a digital whistleblower system via an external Internet site that can be accessed regardless of location and time and allows anonymous messages. After submitting a notification, further communication takes place in this system via a separate secure mailbox set up for this case.

Area of application

The complaints procedure can be used to provide information on risks related to human rights and the environment as well as on violations of human rights or environmental obligations that have arisen as a result of the economic activities of msg in its own business area or those of a direct or indirect supplier. The complaints procedure in available to internal and external persons.


Only suitable and qualified msg employees from the Group Compliance department are entrusted with the implementation of the complaints procedure, who act impartially in this function, i.e. independently, are not bound by instructions and are obliged to maintain confidentiality.


Zach, Peter

Peter Zach

Chief Risk & Security Officer

msg Corporate Social Responsibility

The topic of sustainability has always played a central role at msg throughout the company’s 40-year history. Since 2020, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have also been firmly anchored in msg’s corporate strategy –Roadmap 2025. 

Learn more