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Automated notification solution with AI voice assistance


Not only have shipment volumes increased by more than 20% in recent years. Clients' demands are also growing: Transparent shipment tracking in almost realtime and an accurate forecast of the delivery are now standard requirements. The quality of shipment notification is a key factor in customer satisfaction. At the same time, delivery arrangements are still mostly made manually by employees over the telephone. 

  • High investment in time for the manual notification of shipments
  • Low staff resources and overworked service employees
  • Increasing requirements on the part of consignees
  • Increasing shipment volumes (especially B2C)
  • High number of fixed network numbers in data sets  


Provision of an intelligent voice assistant that realizes the notification of shipments with a conversation partner in outbound (B2C & B2B). This is an AI voicebot with voice recognition, output and integration into functional procedures. An automated call is made via the voice assistant, in the course of which a delivery date/time is arranged. The solution is completed by the automated driver notification system. This takes over communication between the delivery driver and the customer on the last mile and transmits important information, such as the exact arrival time and any local conditions that need to be taken into account.


  • Reduction of the process costs by up to 80% while maintaining the same high quality of service
  • Notification of delivery times and shipments around the clock, 365 days a year
  • Reduced workload for service staff and not only during peak phases
  • Flexible integration with existing Transport Management Systems (TMS)
  • For the sake of the environment: No more extra trips and detours, because intelligent shipment notification ensures environmentally friendly route planning (CO2 savings).
  • Say goodbye to unnecessary waiting times: Additional automated driver notification minimizes delays at the loading ramp (more efficient loading and unloading)
  • Reduction of energy costs:  transshipment halls are no longer congested, but are optimally utilized (fuel savings)

Customer testimonial:

“The intelligent, multi-lingual voicebot solution by msg enables the automation of communication related to shipment notification, which makes our customers more satisfied and which makes our dispatching more efficient.”

Tobias Braun project lead active avis

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Christian Hertlein

Lead IT Consultant

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